The Future is Now!

3 min readNov 24, 2020

Have you ever wondered how some people get things done while some need extra from the daily 24 hours? It is possible that this happens due to the difference in workload. Another reason can be that they are using their time more effectively: in other words, have good time management skills.

Time management is the ability to use the available time productively, efficiently with still some time left for yourself. You could say it is an art of timing. Although it is easier said than done.

These skills are essential because it not only increases our productivity but also opens opportunities to do more, explore more, and learn from variegated experiences. The first step is to prioritize your tasks according to the deadline, importance, and apparent time it may need.

Ask yourself if the task is ‘Urgent’ or ‘Important’? Urgency relates to how readily can something be done in a given amount of time, while the important tasks, if left unfinished, may have serious consequences for you and sometimes others.

  • Answering the phone is urgent.
  • Going to the dentist regularly is important.
  • Checking social media is neither of the two.

“Time spent on self-care and happiness is not time wasted. “

We have seen, read, and heard a number of times that we should keep rewarding ourselves and not forget that working isn’t life, it is a part of life. The important thing people forget is that for this notion to be true, you have to work first. Equating mismanagement of your time with self-care is retrogressive and inhibits creativity.

Staying focused is a Sisyphus’ task. You build focus to do a particular task and get things done and end up losing focus again and yet again. This repetition isn’t the consequence of unbridled fancy, it is actually really normal. You will lose focus time and again and may even lag in the completion of your tasks. Acceptable. Really!

Focus and time management go hand in hand. Losing sight of one leads to an automatic loss of the other. We need to analyze our distractions and reduce them as much as possible. Apart from daily goals we also have certain social responsibilities and duties that have to prioritized or are sometimes unavoidable. Hence, tasks get delayed.

We can however chalk out a plan to not get strayed by the engagements we already know of. For example, we already know about the upcoming festive seasons, so, these moments can be fully enjoyed by proper allotment of time to each task. You need to take a break during these holidays.

To maintain focus, relax first.

Don’t blame yourself, or worse, someone else if you lag. Calm and see how the situation can be handled, what can be your next priority. Next thing, never ponder over past mistakes and repent. Instead, learn from them.

Best time management doesn’t come from reading someone else’s suggestions, books advocating simple tricks, blogs (including this one). It comes from personal experience. You are the best judge of yourself.




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